U.F.O. Sightings - Victoria.

010 Winter 1947 Maffra VIC CE2

Driving home with her son a woman almost collided with a "dazzling golden ball" hovering just above the road. The woman could not stop the car and found it buffeted by wind. At the point of impact the ball seemed to roll to one side over a high embankment and disappeared behind tall maize. The wind then ceased. (Bill Chalker.)

020 4 Apr 1953 Numrkuh VIC Photo Day

A man was shooting pictures of a wedding when he noticed a strange conical shaped object moving rapidly high in the sky. He snapped quite a clear picture of it. F 8 and t = 1/250 second. ("Flying Saucers Over Australia" p46.)

028 30 May 1954 East Malvern VIC CE3

A group of five men, and a woman were on the doorstep of a house when an oval shaped object appeared in the sky at what seemed to be close range. It travelled in a downward curve initially, then pulled out of the curve going upwards. Finally it disappeared like a light being switched off. A cloud of yellow smoke was noted from its rear. Five of the people said they thought they had seen shadows inside the object, through "portholes." (1. Melbourne "Argus" May 31 1954. 2. Melbourne "Sun." May 31 1954.)

030 5 Jun 1954 Dandenong VIC CE2 1820hrs Brown

A sixteen year girl and her friend said they were terrified as an object hovered 20m from them. It was cylindrical in shape, about 10m long by 5m high, with a window on top and at each end. It issued a bluish/silver-grey light, and hovered in mid-air. A loud drumming noise had been noted at first. It was reported that Miss Brown's watch had stopped at 6.23 p.m.; that the battery of her torch was drained and that her hand bag and belt clasps were magnetised, as was an iron fence over which the object hovered. A Victorian mines geologist indicated that the fence was no more magnetised than a control fence some distance away. (Melbourne "Argus" Jun 9, Jun 16, Jun 26 1954. Melbourne "Herald" Jul 31 1954. Holledge, J. (1965). "Flying Saucers Over Australia". Sydney. Horwitz. p53 (FOA))

040 About 1958 Gippsland area VIC CE4

"A young girl saw a UFO head down into a nearby forest during the night. She went to investigate. She remembers encountering "a small man" working on the outside of a strange object, and being signalled to stay away. The girl recollects being taken for a ride, ostensibly in the object she saw, and seeing an aerial view of her home town through the floor of the UFO. She does not remember how she got home, but clearly recalls getting a spanking for going to bed with dirty feet and soiling the sheets. Her left knee had been grazed." (Chalker, Bill. (1989). "Abducted?" Australian Penthouse. Nov. p.37. from a personal investigation. )

054 15 Feb 1963 Moe VIC CE1 0700hrs Brew

Charles Brew and his son Trevor were at work when a strange object came down out of the east and descended slowly towards their cattle pens. The cattle and a pony reacted violently and the two farm dogs fled. The object descended to a height of between 25-30m, then hovered over a tree for a few seconds. It was about 8m in diameter and 3m high. The top portion appeared to be a transparent dome from which protruded a 2m tall aerial-colour of the top was a battleship grey. The base glowed with a pale blue colour and had scoop- like protuberances around it. There was a swishing noise audible. Brew was outside the milking shed when all this was going on and Trevor inside. Trevor did not see the object but heard the noise. Brew said his eyes were drawn to it. He experienced a headache which remained for the rest of the day. After hovering for a few seconds the object climbed at forty five degrees to the west and passed into cloud. (AFSR. No 8. p10. Jun 1965. FSR 16/5/29. FSOA p14, & pp86-88.)

059 7 Nov 1963 Dalyston VIC CE1 0415hrs Davidson

("Wonthaggi Express" Nov 7 1963. QUFO 1/5/21-22.)

074 11 Aug 1966 VIC CE4

A Miss Marlene Travers, of Melbourne, is reported to have observed a large silver disc land near her. It is claimed that she was abducted and raped by an alien wearing a loose fitting metallic green tunic. Investigations reveal this account is most likely a literary hoax. (1. Binder, O. (1968). "Unsolved Mysteries of the Past". New York. Tower. p33. 2. Edwards, F. (1967). "Flying Saucers Here and Now." New York. Stuart. p 147.)

085 Apr 1966 Balwyn VIC Photo 1402hrs

Noticing his garden was lit up by an unusual light, the witness looked up to see a metallic mushroom like object some 36m up, floating towards the ground. As he watched it made a 180 degree turn through its vertical axis. He managed to take one Polaroid shot at this point. The object then shot off northwards at terrific speed. Seconds later a "boom" was heard. The single colour Polaroid shot shows a chimney stack and an apparent three dimensional mushroom with a small stalk. There has however, been some debate in the UFO literature that the picture is a hoax. (Aust FSR No 5 Viv Jul 66 (pic). Aust FSR No 6 Vic Dec 66 (pic).)

086 4 Apr 1966 Burkes Flat VIC CE2/BEC (144:20, 36:08)

Driving along a man saw a light in a paddock and his car's headlights veered to the right for no apparent reason. A saucer shaped depression was found in a bare paddock, where the light had been seen. It was 1m across, and 12cm deep, scooped out of sandy soil. No human or animal tracks were visible at the spot. ("Maryborough Advertiser" 15/4/66. AFSR Vic No 5 p12 Jul 66. AUFOR(Vic) No 10 Dec 69 pp28-29. Reinvestigation by Bill Chalker. See "The Bent Headlight Beam case revisited" by Bill Chalker, UFORAN May-June 1984. Also published in Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 32 No. 4, 1987.)

087 6 Apr 1966 Westall VIC DD/FA (37:49, 144:58)

School children and a teacher observed a dazzling, silver object flying over a school. It was said that aircraft operating in the area approached it. In a paddock over which the object seemed to hover, waist high grass was found crushed in an area 8-10m across. (AFSR(Vic) Vol 5 pp 13-14 Jul 66. FSR 12(4):31. "The Australian" 10/8/78. Re-investigation by Bill Chalker and Keith Basterfield.)

096 5 Mar 1967 Hallam VIC Photo 1730hrs Coyle

Master John Coyle and sister Miriam took 6 photos of a silver object below clouds which circled around. Initially seen at 15 degrees east, it approached in a straight line before circling, then disappeared out of sight on the horizon still below the clouds. (VUFORS. Aust UFOR No 10 UFOIOC Dec 69 p 72. FSR 14/1/32 (pics).)

098 24 Aug 1967 Wodonga VIC CE3 1700hrs Hyde

Ron Hyde was motorcycling between Melbourne and Sydney when he was suddenly engulfed in a blue/white flash. He stopped his bike, and when his eyes cleared he saw about thirty metres away in a clearing, a metallic object hovering a metre off the ground. It resembled two saucers, one inverted on top of the other, separated by a 3m band of metal. On top of the object was a small dome 2m tall. Yet again on top of this was a flat topped ball, about 25cm deep. Mr Hyde turned away for a second and upon looking back two silver clad figures, 152cm tall, were present. Helmets resembling opaque fish-balls hid their faces. The witness took a step in their direction and the figures did the same. Then one figure beckoned him. He panicked, jumped on his bike and raced off, only to be followed by the object, before it finally shot off into the air. (1. Victorian UFO Research Society. (VUFORS.) 2. AFSR(Vic), No 8. pp44-45. FSR14/2.)

110 29 Apr 1968 Heyfield VIC CE2 0440hrs

The truck in which two sanitary collectors were travelling in, broke down, some 2km from Heyfield. They were thinking about getting a tow when they saw a string of red lights approaching. They stood on the bonnet of the truck to get a view when the lights didn't get any closer. It had a row of red lights and a dome with a light on the top. Next day they found an area of wilted grass. (Hervey, M. (1969). "UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere." (UFOSH). Sydney. Horwitz. p86.)

111 2 May 1968 Heyfield VIC NL/WV (37:59, 146:47)

2 men were in a truck which broke down. A string of red lights approached-which then turned into a row of red lights with a dome on top. Later one man went back and found that the grass had wilted as though sprayed with poison. (UFOSH p86.)

154 4 Jun 1969 Ballarat VIC Photo

An amateur astronomer was taking a picture of the Moon through a 6 inch reflector telescope. Upon developing the picture a large white boomerang shape object appeared, casting a shadow on the Moon's surface. Several opinionshave existed ranging from a hoax to a developing faulty. No positive identification has been made. (Aust UFO Report Aug 71.)

190 July 1972 and subsequently Frankston VIC CE4

Mrs Maureen Puddy reported observing a disc shaped object in the sky. Later she related that her car stopped itself as the same object hovered overhead. Several months later she recounted being "mentally" abducted into a round room, and of observing an entity there. 1.6m tall, wearing a ski-suit and apparently male. This room was evenly lit, but there was no apparent source of illumination. This latter event took place whilst two other people, Victorian UFO Research Society investigators Paul Norman and Judith Magee, were physically present with Mrs Puddy. However, they only reported that Mrs Puddy lapsed into unconsciousness, and verbally described what was happening to her, to them. On a later occasion she said the entity again appeared to her when she was driving her car. (1. Garry Little and Bill Stapleton-personal investigation. 2. Magee, J. (1972). "UFO Over the Mooraduc Road." FSR 18(6):3-5. 3. Magee, J. (1978). "Maureen Puddy's Third Encounter." FSR 24(3):14-15. 4. Basterfield, K. 1992. IUR 17(3)13-14 & 23.)

195 Sep 72 Navarre VIC DR (36:54, 143:07)

2 large circles were found, marked by rings of bare earth, about 60cm wide. They were found on the property of Geoff Bibby. They were 14.6 and 23.7m in diameter. The grass, both inside and outside the bands was growing normally. The soil had a pure white substance in it. Fungus. ("Australasian Post" 10/5/73 & 5/7/73.)

198 19 Sep 1972 Broadmeadows VIC Photo 2210hrs

A press photographer said he saw an object doing loop the loops in the sky at an altitude of 150-300m at night. He took several shots. The pictures show a time exposure of a light source and could be anything including Venus, stars or an aircraft's landing lights. ("Age" Melbourne 21/9/72 (pic).)

221 May 1973 Nurrabiel Vic DR (36:43, 142:12)

Mr Jack Russell found a perfect circle in bare ground on his property "Melrose." Circumference was 27.4m with a band 50cm across. The earth inside the band was devoid of grass. Fungus ring. ("Horsham Mail Times" 8/6/73.)

224 31 May 1973 Bellbridge Vic DR (?)

A 30cm wide, 6.7m diameter ring was found in dry earth with a white powdery substance. A Border mail photographer found a 10m ring later, both suggestive of fungus. ("Border Mail" Albury 2/6/73.)

226 15 Jun 1973 Avondale Heights VIC Photo 1832Hrs

A 12 year old boy took a picture of what he said was a fast moving object in the sky. He said it changed colour from red to white. It didn't have a tail. It travelled south before making a sharp turn and then hovered for 5 minutes. the photograph shows what appears to be a time exposure of something that looks remarkably like the Moon. (RAAF summary 1973, which says that they believe it was a "camera fault on unobserved light source.")

229 19 Jun 1973 Mornington Peninsula VIC NL

An orange light was sighted from an aircraft. It travelled parallel but at a lower altitude for about 16km before moving off at right angles. The RAAF concluded it was a reflection of the Sun rising from light aircraft. (RAAF annual sightings summary 1973.)

286 15 Jun 1975 Benalla VIC Photo Day

Two "condensation trails" were seen by a group of people who took some 8mm colour movie of them. After an examination of the film it appears that the concensus of opinion is that they were in fact aircraft trails. (VUFORS and UFORSA investigation. VUFORS Newsletter May 76 p 3.)

292 Sep/Oct 1975 Eltham VIC Photo Noon

Two colour prints were taken by two young boys, of a dark shape in the sky. The photos show a disc with an upper central dome with the long axis inclined to the horizontal. Both images appear as a black silhouette with no other details visible. Unfortunately the negatives could not be located; however the prints were seen by VUFORS. (VUFORS Newsletter May 76 p 2.)

313 13 Jul 1976 Rochester VIC CE1 1930hrs

Two nursing sisters were driving in a Kombi van following a girlfriend who was travelling in front of them on a motorbike. The driver of the van suddenly saw the girl on the bike start to run off the road, then for a few seconds noted a single light coming towards them. The next thing they knew the girl on the bike was in a ditch and the bright light had followed her across to the other side of the road as far as the gravel. The van was stopped, the light swung around in front of the Kombi and was soundlessly lost to view. The light had been white in colour and about a metre in diameter. There had been a radio on in the Kombi but the driver had turned it off due to static. The next day the van was difficult to start, and minor ignition and electrical problems plagued it for a while afterwards. (VUFORS.)

323 25 Sep 1976 Karawinna VIC WV (34:23, 141:42)

Three days after the sighting of a group of red lights at low level, a 21.6m circle of dry coloured grass was found in a paddock. Samples were analysed by ACUFOS but nothing unusual was found. (VUFORS.)

324 5 Oct 1976 Torrita VIC FSA (35:09, 141:56)

A farmer reported finding 2 circles some 7m apart, each 5.5m in diameter. Grass had been Swirled and appeared to be burnt. (Delgado, P. & Andrews, C. "Circular Evidence.")

344 Aug 1977 Leitchville VIC DR (35:54, 144:18)

A 13m wide circle was discovered in grass on the property of Lloyd Naylor. It was a doughnut shape, with a 1m wide band of Dried off grass. The centre 11m was dead grass. Likely fungus. (Personal comm to Keith Basterfield from Naylor.)

347 30 Sep 1977 Leitchville VIC ? (35:54, 144:18)

Douglas Fehring found a perfect circle of affected grass in a paddock. (UFOIC NL 54/55 p 13.)

350 Ca 21 Oct 1977 Cohuna VIC DR (35:49, 144:13)

Four doughnut shaped circles were located in a paddock which was irrigated all summer. They were circular, 3-3.6m in diameter, including a 45cm wide band of dry, withered grass. Two were in irrigated grass and 2 in dry grass. The 2 in irrigation had green grass centres. They eventually disappeared over months. Likely fungus rings. (Personal comm to Keith Basterfield from farmer.)

351 4 Dec 1977 Lietchville VIC DR (35:54, 144:18)

Ken Church discovered a large circular area consisting of a 38cm wide band around an 8m (total) diameter circle of chopped clover. There were patches in the ring that were burnt and looked like they were made by jet engines. Bill Chalker visited the site well after the ring had disappeared. It may have been a fungal ring. (UFOIC NL 54/55 p 14.)

352 Early Dec 1977 Bamawm Central VIC ? (?)

John Collins and his brother found a perfect ring 2.4m in diameter, 400m from their farm house. He said that recently a bright light on his property was seen floating about 15m off the ground. (UFOIC NL54/55 p15.)

354 26 Dec 1977 Slaty Creek Road VIC DR (37:26, 143:54)

A discontinuous circular grass marking was found in the centre of a small paddock on the property of Mr Porter. It was doughnut shaped with a 56cm wide band and a total diameter of 4.56m diameter. As at April 1978 the rest of the paddock was green but there had been no regrowth in the circle. (Vic UFO Bulletin May 1978.)

355 26 Dec 1977 Deep Creek VIC DR (37:18, 144:47)

Graham and Fay Fenton discovered some strange circular marks. They were doughnut shaped, 2.74m across including a 30cm wide band. Located on an isolated track. Fungus suspected. (VUFORS Bulletin May 78 p 1.)

364 19 Feb 1978 Newstead VIC DR (37:07, 144:03)

4 roughly circular doughnut shaped marks were found in a grass paddock. 2 in one paddock and 2 in another. 2 were 3m in diameter, 1 was 5.5m and the other 6m across. The ground was not burnt. Likely fungus. ("Castlemane Mail" 22/2/78 and 15/4/78. Personal comm to KB.)

365 7 Mar 1978 Echuca VIC ? (36:08, 144:45)

In Echuca Village, about 8Km from Echuca, Mr and Mrs Gilham, both 65, were woken up, at about 3.30 a.m. by their dogs barking and disturbances among the sheep. The sheep had gathered around the house. Mrs Gilham got up and walked past the wash house, to find it all alight. She described in press reports what she saw next: "Then I saw this huge big light in the paddock. It was a burning, blazing, white light. It did not have a centre but it was like a great big cobweb. We watched it for about 20 minutes. It was hovering just a bit above the ground. It made my eyes ache...It was rather a nightmarish thing...a blazing, hovering, cobweb of white light. It wobbled, sort of shook." A 4cm depression was left in the driveway where the light appeared. The dirt and gravel in the driveway were blown about. After the story broke the next morning, scores of cars converged on the site, making sampling futile. The phenomenon was also described as a "pillar" of light in the driveway. Mrs Gilham suffered a severe headache for several days after the encounter. ("The Northern Star" 9/3/78; Sun-News Pictorial Melbourne 9/3/78. Australian UFO Bulletin May 197.)

374 1979 Melbourne VIC CE4

A man named Mark retired to bed one night at about 11 p.m. Shortly after closing his eyes he lost all sense of sound and feeling and found himself travelling in a tunnel through space. Looking forwards he noted a light at the end of the tunnel. His next awareness was of lying on a table in a "craft". He was medically examined by three beings. One of the beings seemed to be a female human, with long blonde hair. The other two were some 150cm tall, fat, and of a dark brown colour. These latter two had plumpish faces, large eyes, a large nose, bigger lips and ears than us. They addressed him in English, and seemed like scientists. When they introduced a "scanner" to check him over he "freaked out" and woke up in his own bed. All his teeth felt numb and his knuckles were white. (Garry Little.)

380 7 Mar 1979 Box Hill VIC Photo 1650hrs

A commercial pilot tendered a number of photographs which were said to show a large object in the sky, plus some 40 silver specks. Examination of the pictures, including computer enhancement indicate the object was in fact at close range, possibly a bird, and that the white specks were dust and fibres on the film. (UFORSA.)

393 Jul 1980 Warrnambool VIC Photo 1750hrs

Many people watched an object travelling across the sky, west of the city. A newspaper photographer took a picture of it which shows a dot and a trail behind it. ("Standard" Warrnambool 24/7/80. Pic held on file.)

395 30 Sep 1980 Rosedale VIC CE2/DR (38:09, 146:47)

Following a very close encounter involving a dome shaped object, some 5m tall and 8m in diameter, the witness immediately saw an unusual marking on the ground below the position the object had been. It was a doughnut ring of "black" flattened grass, with a total diameter of some 10m. Next morning he went back for a closer look. Elsewhere the paddock was covered with yellow flowers, but a doughnut circle was clearly evident. Black or brown in colour, it consisted of grass flattened in an anti-clockwise direction with a width of 0.5m. Green grass grew within the ring. Evenly spaced within the ring appeared what looked like 6 "spokes" of almost undamaged grass. The ring was still visible 1 year later. (Keith Basterfield, Bill Chalker and Gary Little.)

399 14 Apr 1981 Tinamba VIC DR (37:58, 146:54

) Kim Gallaty and girlfriend saw a flashing light in the sky. He drove slowly by thinking it was an accident but then accelerated away. He saw a large orange glow and an impression of something metallic underneath it. Some 2 weeks later three perfect 10cm wide circles of about 5.18m diameter forming a triangle were found on level ground 200m from the homestead. A white chalky substance was reportedly found in the soil of the circles. Probably fungus. ("Pix-People" 22/7/81; Bill Chalker personal interview 17/7/81.Bill examined some white material on (not in) the soil and thought it was superphosphate.)

411 Jul 1983 Charlton VIC CE2

An orange-red hat shaped object approached a car and lit up the ground. The vehicle's engine faltered but did not fail. Some ten minutes later the object went behind a hill and was lost to view. (TUFOIC TA 86003.)

420 15 Jan 1987 Corryong VIC NL

A commercial pilot flying a twin-engine Aero Commander from Canberra to Moorabbin was overtaken by a "mystery light" which paced his aircraft until he reached Eildon. The light then shot away from his aircraft, rapidly accelerating towards the east. (ACUFOS Reports Digest Dec 1987. No. 28.)

434 1989 Melbourne VIC CE4

In April 1991 a married, Melbourne woman related a series of events extending back some 14 months from that time. These included her 6 year old son reporting that 5-6 little men entered his bedroom and shone a "torch" at him. He felt paralysed and whilst their the men telepathically told him they would not hurt him, but examined him and pushed something up his nose. He described them as having grey skin, big heads and big black eyes. The woman recalled an episode where something tried to physically pull her out of bed during the night. She also recalled an episode at age 7, which she thought was a dream, where 3 pixies entered her room and abducted her.

In 1991 she was regressed and this revealed:-

1. At age 7, 6 beings entered her bedroom and took her away to a room somewhere. After examining her they pushedsomething up her nose. She was told she had been chosen for some task, not revealed to her yet. She did not feel they were going to hurt her. She was floated back home and into her bed. She woke up and thought it had been a dream.

2. At age 36, in 1991, beings again came to her bedroom and tried to take her away but she refused to go. Shortly after this, and while she was in bed with her husband, 3 small beings returned. They scrapped both her and her husband with a silver "knife" telling her this was the last time for a while.

At some stage the beings told her she is to spread knowledge when they are ready. They also told her the device up her nose was to keep track of her. (UFORA91044-Keith Basterfield).

442 9 Oct 1989 Endeavour Hills VIC DR ((27:49, 144:58)

Two woman in a car observed an orange red UFO off the road, initially at a distance of some 800m, situated apparently on the ground and in trees. They lost sight of it, and as they passed under some high power transmission lines they saw it again, starting to climb in altitude, up and over the power lines. It then apparently crossed the road and flew away at high speed to the north-east. On 13th Oct John Auchettl looked for traces, searching a 3 square Km area. On 17th Oct a single 3.6m ring was found at the bottom of the hill by the road. The surrounding ring was about 8-10cm wide. 4 holes were present within the ring along with other effects. Testing suggested that the yellowed grass in the ring was caused by "intense or massive doses of UV radiation." "The Churchill Park UFO Encounter-Ground Ring Summary" John Auchettl, Australian UFO Bulletin (VUFORS) Mar 1990.)

444 Dec 1989 Speed VIC FSA (35:24, 142:26)

The farm of Max and Nancee Jolly was the location for the discovery of 12 swirled, flattened wheat circles. 2 circles were 3.6m across, 1 was 2.74, 1 was 2.59m, 1 was 1.98m, 5 were 1.83m, 1 was 1.37m and 1 was 1.22m. The wheat had been flattened and swirled anti-clockwise. Stalks were undamaged with grain matured on the heads. ("The Turriff Ground Ring Summary" John Auchettl, the Australian UFO Bulletin June 1990. VUFORS.; "Multiple Ground & Air rings phenomenon discovered." John Auchettl, Australian UFO Bulletin Sep 1980. Bill Chalker.

) 460 Dec 1991 Hopetoun VIC FSA (35:44, 1452:22)

In a wheat crop, a farmer came across 6 flattened swirled circles, varying from 2-3.5m in diameter. later in an adjacent paddock he found an oval 6.5m across. Anti-clockwise swirl. (Melbourne "The Age" 31/12/91.)

464 Jan 1992 Grampians Area VIC CE3/Hoax

A radio news item told how a 16 year old girl had seen and photographed an "alien." Later another news item reported that the photographs were of a plastic mannequin. (Peter Jones and Ray Brook.)

472 7 Aug 1993 Belgrave, Victoria 0000hrs CE4

5 people, two groups, one of 3 people, the other a couple, in 2 separate vehicles independently reported their involvement in an highly strange incident. It appears both groups stopped their vehicles to watch a large object descend in a paddock, following which a group of tall entities emerged and approached the 2 groups. The couple next recall being back in their motor vehicle, and both feeling ill, and that a period of missing time had occurred. Upon reaching home, and before going to bed Kelly noted a red, triangular mark beneath her navel and a small ôcutö on her bikini line similar to a laparoscopy marking. This cut seemed only a couple of days old. Later Kelly was hospitalised for unexplained bleeding. (K Basterfield ôAbducted: An Independently Witnessed Event? Part one.ö MUFON Journal 321 Jan 1995 pp10-12.)

473 24 Jul 1994 60Km NW of Melbourne Victoria 0430hrs CE4? Grace Kyriakidis, Tina Chatzibasile, Joy Bock and Victoria McGinley

Grace was driving the others home when oblong, glowing orange lights were seen parallel to the road. A few moments later a large orange light was noted only 20m behind the car. They stopped and got out of the vehicle and looked up to see a large, diamond shaped object, with writing on its tail, close to the ground. A steady, droning sound seemed to come from it. The object went sideways and disappeared behind trees. They went on in the car, pulled into a driveway but were frightened to see a shadowy, human figure. They left the scene. They were followed by a bright orange light, before it finally vanished. On arriving at GraceÆs house they determined that 75 minutes of time had been lost. The next day all four suffered nosebleeds and headaches. Victoria was charged with static electricity. All experienced frequent memory lapses. Them women later saw small, bright lights on the wallÆs of JoyÆs house.(WomanÆs Day 26/12/94.)

478 Lifelong Melbourne VIC CE4

A man, Andrew G. recalls a number of unusual episodes including one at age 4. This latter was explored under hypnosis. Fragmentary recall described 3 glowing figures, small, fierce, with a very long, thin face, 2 small openings for a nose, and large almond shaped eyes. (Bill Chalker)


Copyright © 1996 remains with the Researcher / 's named to be associated with each report.

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